As part of HFFC's Social Action mission, HFFC decided to support the CT NAACP's request to Governor Lamont for a CT Urban Strategic COVID-19 plan. On May 22, 2020, Cary sent this letter in an email -- with text drafted by Amy and on a letterhead created by Joe Stamler -- to the Governor, with copies to the NAACP presidents of the CT State Conference and of the branches of Norwalk, Bridgeport and Stamford branches.
As we said in the letter, "Humanists and freethinkers value knowledge and science, fairness and inclusion, which necessarily includes minority groups who are socially, politically, economically and environmentally disenfranchised in our urban centers. We encourage State dialog with the CT NAACP and action to address the COVID-19 impact on urban minority populations..."
The complete letter is attached.