The repeal of the religious exemption against required vaccines is one of the CT Legislative actions the HFFC Social Action committee supports. On 9/13/19 the Stamford Advocate posted good news, which should help spur action when the CT Legislature sits in February:
"After months of prodding by lawmakers to take a stance on repealing Connecticut’s religious exemption from vaccines, state Health Commissioner Renee Coleman-Mitchell is expected to announce Monday that she is supporting the rollback.
"Coleman-Mitchell will be joined by Gov. Ned Lamont, who also is backing the repeal. Their disclosure will come two weeks after the public health department released data showing the number of students who had claimed the religious exemptions rose by 25 percent between the 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years.
"“I’ve always thought that it was important to have the Department of Public Health weigh in, so I’m glad they are weighing in in a very detailed way,” House Majority Leader Matthew Ritter, a proponent of wiping out the religious exemption, said Friday."