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Baruch Spinoza Membership

Baruch Spinoza Membership


Baruch Spinosa membership will enable HFFC to go above and beyond our normal activities to promote humanism and freethinking and provide events and activities that can be enjoyed by all members of the secular community in our area.


Your membership gives you and your family access to all of our events forever.  First time members at this level are entitled to the special gifts of a free ticket to the Darwin Day Dinner event and the selection of two gifts of HFFC T-shirts or tote bags.


Your generous contribution will help all of us maintain a secular community with our local and national programs.


You may choose two gifts,  either T-shirts (sizes small through XXXL) or tote bags or one of each. Provide your choices and  sizes when you check out. If you do not wish to receive the gifts, please indicate that at check out. Thank you.

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