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Amy Ewing
Jun 2, 2020
HFFC supports CT NAACP call for CT Urban Strategic COVID-19 plan
As part of HFFC's Social Action mission, HFFC decided to support the CT NAACP's request to Governor Lamont for a CT Urban Strategic...
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Amy Ewing
May 2, 2020
Bagels "thank" Greenwich Hospital
HFFC has been thanking area healthcare workers to let them know that humanists care about them. Saturday morning (5/2) HFFC sent bags of...
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Amy Ewing
Apr 22, 2020
5 bags of bagels for Stamford Hospital, in appreciation!
As we've said before, healthcare workers are real heroes in this time of pandemic, and HFFC wants to let them know that humanists care...
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Amy Ewing
Apr 8, 2020
HFFC sends appreciation to Healthcare Workers in Norwalk Hospital ICU
Hospital workers are real heroes in this time of pandemic. HFFC wants to let them know that humanists care about them. Our first...
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Amy Ewing
Apr 8, 2020
Be part of HFFC's Social Action!
Recently, before COVID-19 precautions closed the CT Legislature, HFFC was taking social action to support proposed legislation that...
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Amy Ewing
Feb 14, 2020
Why Teach Evolution?
FYI, the 2/14/2020 AHA email includes this article "Why Teach Evolution?" I was startled to read "The resistance to teaching evolution is...
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Amy Ewing
Feb 14, 2020
Himes & Blumenthal sponsor resolutions for Feb. 12, 2020 as "Darwin Day"
From AHA email, 2/14/2020 "Thanks to AHA’s lobbying team, and to sponsors Representative Jim Himes (D-CT) and Senator Richard Blumenthal...
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Amy Ewing
Feb 9, 2020
Steve Novella on Science Denial and Evolutionary Theory… and Climate Change?
At the 2020 Darwin Day Dinner, speaker Dr. Steve Novella spoke about "Science denial, Darwin and Evolutionary Theory." He talked about...
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George Unser
Jan 16, 2020
Freedom proclaimed for nonreligious and religious
Religious Freedom Day, January 16, declared in honor of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom created by Thomas Jefferson, has been...
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George Unser
Dec 17, 2019
Songs for Humanists
Before you do anything else, play comedian Steve Martin’s “Atheists Have No Songs” online at In last...
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Amy Ewing
Jun 21, 2019
“Peace cross” stands in Supreme Court ruling.
In a ruling disappointing to humanists, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a 40-foot-high Bladensburg Cross honoring World War I soldiers...
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Amy Ewing
May 21, 2019
The Landscape of Secular Organizations (HFFC May meeting)
HFFC May meeting: The Landscape of Secular Organizations For the May 13rd HFFC meeting, John Levin presented “The Landscape of Secular...
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George Unser
May 10, 2019
How does a non-believer understand "Grace?"
We non-believers have not established our own cultural reference points to explain terms like "Grace."
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George Unser
Mar 20, 2019
What are humanists?
Humanists are friendly. #helping #donations
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George Unser
Mar 20, 2019
Finding support and help: how your HFFC community can make a difference
You'll find a lot of people in HFFC that think like you do. #community #team
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